may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and
soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:23, NASB).
Man consists of a
spirit, soul, and body. Man’s spirit
is the highest part of his being. This is his God-conscious part of his nature. This is the part that gives him
an awareness of God, the ability to pray and communicate with Him. It is this
part that separates him from the animals. Next, man’s soul is the middle part of his being. It is the self-conscious part of his nature. This
part of his nature is his self awareness. It is the seat of his personality,
emotions, and will. Lastly, we have man’s body,
which is his lowest part of his being. This part is his world-conscious nature. If he stubs his big toe on a piece of
furniture, he’s going to be aware of the sensation of physical pain. Now before
man fell through sin, his spirit was very much alive in relationship to God
with his soul and body following suit. Man’s spirit before the fall lead the
soul and body in perfect harmony, but when man fell through sin his spirit fell
in the realm of his soul, and his soul fell in the realm of his body. This
resulted in man’s body, or his flesh leading and dictating his decisions and
actions of his soul and spirit. This is why people will see Eastern New Age
books talking about the reverse order of man’s triune nature as body, soul, and
spirit as opposed to the Biblical order of spirit, soul, and body. Mankind is
concerned with the lowest part of his base nature—flesh, whereas the faithful Christian
is concerned with the highest part of his nature—spirit. Christ says, “I have meat to eat that ye know not of”
(John 4:32). Because man is dead in spirit to God, his actions are often
controlled by his fleshly appetites and physical surroundings around him.
Father, we are made in Your image to reflect Your glory. Just as you are a
triune being, so are we. Lord, we are fallen, whereas you are infallible. We
are unholy, you are holy. Lord, lead us out of our lower base nature, the flesh
that seeks to control our life, but help us instead to walk in the spirit so we
will not fulfill the lusts of our flesh. In Christ Jesus name we pray, Amen.