Tuesday 28 July 2015


"There is NO fear in LOVE; but perfect love casts out FEAR, because fear involves torment. But he[she] who fears has NOT been made perfect [mature] in love" (1 John 4:18, NKJV).
Here below is a recent quote I came across on a friend's Face page. It reads as follows:
"Once you've been hurt, you're so scared to get attached again, you have a fear that every person is going to break your heart." --Instagram-THEGOODQUOTE
Now I know this quote is particularly talking about someone who just had their heart broken by someone. So it is mostly dealing more with how the hurt person "feels" at that particular moment as opposed to how their outlook will change in time, when they "heal" emotionally.
So it's quite normal to feel that way for the moment, However, to those who hold on to such hurt and fear, there is something more to fear, and that is the FEAR of assuming "every person is going to break your heart." The moment you place yourself in bondage to such fear, you stop really living life as God intended you to. As our text for today says: "There is NO fear in LOVE; but perfect love casts out FEAR, because fear involves torment. But he[she] who fears has NOT been made perfect [mature] in love" (1 John 4:18, NKJV). So don't buy into the lie of this quote, for the moment you do, you lose the purpose in truly loving life and living it to the fullest as the Lord would have you to do!
As believers in Christ, we are not only to live life as God called us to, but we are given a life, a life that is more abundant in Christ. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10, ESV). So never let "the thief" of FEAR rob you of the joy of living life more abundantly in Christ! So what controls your life, fear or love?

Monday 13 July 2015

U. S. Supreme Courts Decision: Who has the Right to Define Human affairs?

Here below is a response I received recently on Facebook from a friend who disagreed with a quote I posted from Franklin Graham on the U. S. Supreme Courts decision in favor of same-sex marriage in all fifty States of the United States. My answer follows her response. 

"You assume everyone believes in the Bible. we don't, and you don't have the right to tell us it is the defining factor in human affairs. You are pushing your religious beliefs and hurting others doing it. How would you like it if I said God was your imaginary superhero? That's basically what you are saying about others beliefs, and its wrong." --Facebook friend.

My friend, I never made the assumption that everyone believes in the Bible. I know there are people who do not believe the Bible is true, but that does not make it any less true. Then to reinforce your point, you said: "we don't, and you don't have the right to tell us it is the defining factor in human affairs." First, so I don't have the right, you say? Who said anything about my rights? If you want to talk about rights, I have just as much right to share the view I hold to as you do in sharing your view. The fact is, it is not about either of our rights, but it is all about what God deems right. He is our Creator, and His right trumps our rights, because He is perfect, we are not. God has every right to define human affairs above the U. S. Supreme Court, governments, or any man made system that defies His Truth. Now since we have free will, you can choose to accept that or reject that. Second, I have the Authority of God on this issue, whereas you only have the authority of man. Third, since the Franklin Graham quote and all the responses in this thread is on MY Face page, I have every right to post subjects and respond to comments according to my worldview without the threat of friends trying to censor what I can and cannot say. I don’t do that to you, neither should you do that to me. 

Next, you stated: “You are pushing your religious beliefs and hurting others doing it.” Again, you are trying to censor what I can and cannot say on my own page. If I am sharing my faith in this thread, it is for two reasons. First, it has to do with the nature and subject of the original post by Franklin Graham. Second, some of the people who responded on this thread brought up the issue about my faith. They are all welcome to agree or disagree with my posts and responses, just as you are free to do, Rowena. I will not censor people’s point of view as long as they keep it respectful and tasteful. Now as for forcing and hurting others on the nature of this issue. The forcing part is simply not true, you know that. As for hurting others, well, I know hearing the truth is not always easy to hear, let alone accepting it. I am aware of that. The fact is I am hurting others much more by not being honest and truthful with them in regards to the same-sex marriage issue. Hence, the primary reason why I posted Franklin Graham’s quote in the first place. As a Christian, I am called to declare the truth in all boldness, not to sit by and remain silent, when I should speak up. I well know this is not popular to do in today’s society, yet, it is necessary, if I truly love my neighbor.

 Lastly, you wrote: “How would you like it if I said God was your imaginary superhero? That’s basically what you are saying about other’s beliefs and its wrong.”  I had plenty of atheists tell me my God is nothing more than a cosmic Santa Claus or the figment of my imagination. So it does not surprise me when people say that about our Creator and God. Now as for me saying that about other people’s beliefs? Well, that depends on how valid a person’s belief is. It is not wrong to say if it is true. Post modernism’s view on truth is that no one truth claim is more valid than another truth. That simply is not true. If a belief we hold to is not true, then it is false. It is NOT a valid truth claim in equal standing with other belief systems that are true. You can argue that my God is fake and I can argue that your god or goddesses are fake, but only one of us is right. And the evidence will bear which. This may sound arrogant, but all other religions of the world fail in comparison to Christianity, and their gods are non- existent creations of their own imaginations or demons masquerading as a god. Christianity is the only religion that has all of life’s answers and has withstood the test of time. Speaking the truth on an issue is not wrong as you claim.

Sunday 12 July 2015



“Weep with those who weep” 
(Romans 12:15).

I remember a number of years ago, back in my non-Christian days, I used to like frequenting dance clubs and bars with live music playing. I was barely in my 20s then, when one night I entered one particular dance club. After a few dances I went to the bar for a drink. There, I engaged in a conversation with three lovely women. Not sure how the discussion came up about homosexuality, but one of the ladies said she was a lesbian. So I asked an honest question, "How did you become a lesbian?" Being a few years older than me, with more life experience, she smiled and said to me with deep emotion: "I had lost both my breasts due to cancer a few years ago." Her face now wet with tears, she continued, "Now tell me, what good looking guy like you is going to want a woman who does not have breasts?" I responded, "But you have breasts!" "No! These are not real breasts. They are artificial ones." She retorted. Stunned, I just stared at her. I was speechless. What could I possibly say to bring comfort to her? Finally, I said, "I really don't know what to say? I can see you are in a lot of pain about this issue. Is it okay, if I give you a hug? You look like you could use a hug about now." At first, she said, "I don't need your sympathy, I just want you to understand my reason for becoming a lesbian. I have had many men reject me, because I have no breasts." With a tear in my eye, I then concluded with these words, "Look, I just want you to know you are no less a woman in my eyes. I know breasts are a physical sign of a woman's femininity. But breasts don't make the woman, it is the woman who makes her breasts. Breasts can't nurture without the woman behind the breasts. Your breasts may be gone, but not the woman who can still nurture. I know I may not understand what you went through, nor what you are still going through. However, I don't think it's wrong for me to still sympathize with the pain you are going through." With that, I gave her a heartfelt hug. Wiping tears from her eyes, she smiled, and said, "Hey, for a guy who disagrees with homosexuality, you are a pretty awesome guy in my books. Thanks for listening to me without a judgmental attitude." With that said, we smiled at each other, then she and her friends faded into the crowd, while dance music pulsated, and strobbing lights flickered, smoke filled the air, and people laughed and glasses clinked in the background, I was deep in thought, as I slowly walked away from the scene, still feeling a faint trace of that woman's pain lingering in the air.
As a young man then, I realized life wasn't so easy to understand, it can be quite complicated. at times. I really had no words that would comfort her or make a difference, but if there was any difference this incident made, it taught me there are no easy pat answers, when life gets complicated. Sometimes the best thing we can do is just listen to the pain of others with our hearts.
Many years have passed since then. Even as a Christian now, I still don't have an easy answer when life gets difficult, however, I do know a loving Saviour who also LOVES embracing breastless lesbian women, much like the one who I hugged so many years earlier. Even now as I write this, it is hard holding back the tears, as I wonder where this dear woman is and how she is doing? May the Lord Jesus Christ find her, love her, and draw her to Himself. It is for such women, I deeply feel for, that renews my mission, passion, and purpose to never compromise the truth, nor the truth of the Gospel, when such precious people need to hear it most. Truth may not be popular, and it may hurt to hear it sometimes, just like some medicines may taste awful, but in the end, it is the most compassionate and loving thing to do for our neighbor. Now whether they accept or reject the truth, only they can decide that. However, to withold the truth from my homosexual neighbor is not loving them.