Wednesday 28 December 2011

Struggling to Believe in God?

"The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" (Psalm 14: 1; 53: 1, NASB).

We are presently living in such difficult times that it is hard to believe in a God who appears so indifferent to the many real struggles that people are going through. During such times of trial. It will do one of two things to a person. It will either make them "bitter" or "better." Sadly, many choose to be bitter rather than better. I have met many such people over the years that claim themselves to be "atheists." Such people at first, appear normal and happy, Not at all bitter, until you bring up the subject of God or prayer.  Then their bitterness comes out in their mocking God as nothing more than a "Cosmic Santa Claus" or some "Pie-in-the-sky, by'n by, when I die." They will argue passionately with you to why they believe God to be nothing more than a "Fairy tale" you read to children. However, I have found when I patiently focus and listen to what's really behind their bitter words of anger against a God who supposedly does not exist. I see a person who has been deeply hurt in heart over the loss of a loved one, an unanswered prayer, or over the numerous evils and injusticess in the world. For such people, my heart goes out to them.

To make matters worse, such noted atheists as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Hitchens and others have published books and articles that have done more harm than good for those who are struggling to believe in God. In today's Scripture text, the Lord calls such a person who claims there is "no God" a "fool" (Psalm 14: 1; 53: 1). Such popular atheists in the media spotlight today, really have no answers for the real traumatic struggles people go through. All they have to offer is to tell people to have faith in themselves, and in what they can do to make a better world by stamping out any belief in God. For they believe that belief in God and other religions in the world are the primary cause of the many troubles and social ills in the world today. They ignore the many horrible evils and injustices that have been done in the past and at present under the atheistic world view. Untold millions have been put to death under the dark banner of atheistic unbelief and dictatorship.

Here below is a partial list of the consequences of atheistic unbelief:
(1.) Unbelief in God is sin (see Gen. 3).
(2.) Unbelief in God leads to not believing His Word.
(3.) Unbelief in God leads one to become their own god (see Gen. 3: 5; Ps. 14:1; 53:1).
(4.) Unbelief in God leads one to erecting gods of their own choosing (1 Cor. 6: 9-10; Gal. 5: 20).
(5.) Unbelief in God leads to moral and spiritual corruption (see Psalm 14: 1b-6).
(6.) Unbelief in God leads to persecuting believers.
(7.) Unbelief in God leads to emptiness and dissatisfaction.
(8.) Unbelief in God can lead to the Unpardonable Sin of Unbelief (see Heb. 3: 12; 12: 25).
(9.) Unbelief in God leads to judgment (see Rev. 20: 11-15).
(10.) Unbelief in God leads to eternal death (see Rev. 21: 8).

For the "faith" of many atheists, it is primarily in themselves, or in someone, or something else. The truth remains: what happens to such atheists when the help of themselves, others, and in things melt away in the heat of really traumatic experiences? Where then is the compassionate hand for them to hold onto, when there is no hand to be seen to help? Yet, how wonderful to know that the same God who atheists refuse to believe in, still has His hand of grace and mercy outstretched to them amidst their unbelief.

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