Monday 16 July 2012

Recent Paleontology Research Supports the Bible

In my research on Christian evidence for the great ages that pre and post Flood man was able to live. I came across some interesting research in the scientific field of Paleontology that uncovered some clues and facts. The famous Neanderthal man that is often used by evolutionists to support their theory that modern man is a descendent of apes has now been discredited by new research that has lead to surprising conclusions. The conclusions are the total opposite to the false claims that evolutionist have promoted about the origin of man. The Neanderthal man is an ordinary man like you or I who was able to live to great ages of 200 or more years old.

In the early chapters of Genesis we read of men and women who could live over 700 to 900 years old! Then after Noah’s Flood the ages of people started to decrease significantly. From Noah’s son Shem who was 600 years old to Abraham’s father Terah who died at 205 years of age (see Gen. 10: 32). Which in today’s world seems impossible to believe; yet, that is what the Bible teaches. (See Genesis 5: 3-31; 9: 28; 11: 10-26, 32). Yet, we read else where in the Bible that, “As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, or if due to strength, eighty years,..” (see Psalm 90:10). This seems to contradict the great ages of the pre and post flood peoples. So how does one address such problems that arise in the Scriptures?

New research has been done in recent years that have shed much light on how our ancestors were able to live to far older ages than we are able to today. A man by the name of Jack Cuozzo is an orthodontist by trade, but is also one of the world’s leading experts on using cephalometric radiographs for x-raying skulls. One of the research studies on the problem facing the field of orthodontics is the earlier maturation over time. Dr. Cuozzo had this to say in what he uncovered in his study:
“Dr Cuozzo believes the reason this is happening is that children are maturing much faster today than in the past. An excavation in 1990 of some graves in Griswold, Connecticut, dated to the late 1600s-1700 seems to confirm his research. There were 13 children's remains discovered. Only one was found with initials on the wood of the coffin. It read NB. age 13 and was written in brass tacks.

When the teeth of the lower jaw were examined at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) in Washington, D.C., the root and crown development indicated that, by today's standards, these teeth should have belonged to a female child of 9 1/2 years, or a male child of 10 years, yet the child was 13.

"This means", Dr Cuozzo says, "that three or four hundred years ago a child took 13 years to reach the stage that our children today do in 9 1/2 to 10 years. This points to a rapid maturation today.”[1]
So we can see from Dr. Cuozzo’s comment above that people in the past matured at a much slower rate than we do today. Since we mature much more rapidly than our ancestors, we in turn will die at younger ages. As already mentioned earlier, post flood people lived to be around 400 to 200 years old; whereas, people today, if they live a full life, only live to be around 70 to 80 years old. So is their further evidence to build on the slower maturation rate in our ancestors. Yes, let’s consider three Neanderthal skulls that Dr. Jack Cuozzo studied, and see what the evidence of his research concludes?


This Neanderthal skull, discovered in 1909 in France, was determined by Dr. Jack Cuozzo to be at least 29 years of age at the time of death. Of particular interest is that evolutionists consistently try to place the age of particular Neanderthal remains, at the time of death, as always being much younger. In the case of Le Moustier, the age was placed by evolutionists at around 16 years at the time of death. Yet, the evidence suggested he was nearly twice that age. The same happens with other Neanderthal remains. Cuozzo's research suggests a much slower aging process in ancient man -

Source of Image: Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of Natural History.

Neanderthal had a much slower maturation process than do people today.
Therefore, it's highly probable that they would live to be much older!
The ages at the time of death for La Chapelle-aux-Saints and La Ferrassie would seem to bear this out.

Jack Cuozzo's Buried Alive, page 185 - 1998 edition.


La Ferrassie:
Also discovered in 1909 in France, this Neanderthal skull was determined by Dr. Jack Cuozzo to be at least 267 years of age at the time of death - and probably older.

Jack Cuozzo, Buried Alive (pg. 203 - 1998 edition)

Source of Image: Smithsonian InstituteÙs National Museum of Natural History -

Neanderthals aren't some less-evolved ancestor or relative of the human race. The evidence would suggest that these were nothing other than early generation Post-Flood humans. They lived longer than do we due to a whole host of factors - not the least of which is that they seemingly had a slow rate of maturation. Their skulls argue for old age. Unfortunately, evolutionary thought has mistaken Neanderthal to be another kind of human relative in the evolutionary tree.


La Chapelle-aux-Saints:

Discovered in France in 1908, the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neanderthal skull was determined to be at least 283 years of age at the time of death by Dr. Jack Couzzo.

Jack Cuozzo, Buried Alive (pg. 203 ff. - 1998 edition)

Source of Image: Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of Natural History -

Neanderthal remains are solid evidence that Ancient Man lived to be the old ages as mentioned in the early chapters of Genesis![2]
Can you imagine living to the ripe old age of 267 or 283 years! It is hard for us to grasp the fact that people in pre and post flood times actually lived that long, even older. Dr. Jack Cuozzo’s research has done much to give us a glimpse into our ancestor’s past and to better understand how it was possible for them to live a much slower maturation rate than we do today. To conclude this post, here is a little background information to some important facts to Dr. Jack Cuozzo’s research on the Neanderthal skulls that helps us to see how he reached his conclusions in his study.

"Due to his expertise (and particularly his ability to examine skull fragments without damaging them), Cuozzo began to have contact with paleontologists representing museums and major research centers. Invitations came in for him to examine various Neanderthal remains.

Darwinian thought proposes that Neanderthal lived over a period of a couple hundred thousand years and is an extinct relative of humans.
Neanderthal is key to the study of "human ancestry" within the field of paleontology. This is due to the prevalence of Neanderthal remains that have been found to date:

·    Skeletal remains from over 500 individuals (or some portion of skeletal material) have been found to date, making it the most numerous find of "ancient man".

·    Neanderthal is named as such as the first skull was found in the Düssel River Valley in 1856 near a cave named Neanderthal - this was named after Joachim Neander, the great hymn writer, who used to write many of his songs near there.

·    Of the over 500 remains found, only one was found completely fossilized.

Note: that if Neanderthal were hundreds of thousands of years old, their remains would almost all be completely fossilized - i.e., the skeletal remains should be comprised entirely of mineral and stone as Carbon was depleted and replaced over time.
Some 12 complete skeletons have been found to date.
Before going any further, it should be understood that the human skull never stops growing (i.e., the bones of your skull never stop growing). The same hat you wore twenty years ago would not fit anymore.
·    The skull lengthens as the brow becomes more pronounced

·    Nasal and eye openings enlarge as the face elongates

·    The face becomes more forward-looking as the chin flattens out

·    The skull actually thickens (gives new meaning to the term "thick-headed")."[3]

Here are some more reasons why our Pre and Post Flood ancestors were able to live much longer than us today.

(1.) The first reason why Adam and Eve and their descendents before the Flood were able to live to a great age was due to the fact that they were fresh from the Creator's hand and their DNA had not yet been ravaged and corrupted by the curse of sin to the measure that it is today. Lower genetic defects in our ancestors gave them a much higher chance to live longer than us today.

(2.) Second, the Pre Flood earth had two layers of protection from the harmful rays of the sun. The great water canopy and the ozone layer that surrounded the whole earth. These factors played a major role in the longevity of health and life for man, animals and plant life. The entire earth was a virtual paradise with perfect temperature all year round.

(3.) Thirdly, the oxygen rate was much higher in the Pre Flood period on earth than it is today. Archaeology in recent years have discovered a higher oxygen rate trapped in the air bubbles inside chunks of amber. Scientists have found out through this discovery that oxygen in Pre Flood times were 50% greater than oxygen is today. This greater oxygen capacity that our ancestor's had gave them the ability to enjoy better health and aided in their longevity in age.

(4.) Lastly, The chromosomes that determine age in our ancestors during Flood times were not so presupposed to the more rapid maturation rate as it is in people today.


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