Tuesday 29 October 2013

Worry is the Absence of Faith and Faith is the Absence of Worry

"Do not worry about your life."
(Matthew 6: 25)

So much energy gets wasted on worrying. Worry is a burden that God never intended for us to carry. Worry is not taking God at His word. Worry is sin. Yet many people worry about things they either cannot change or about things that they later find never happened. When facing worry, realize worry is the absence of faith, whereas faith is the absence of worry. Three things are essential to rid oneself of worry.

1. Give it over to the Lord. If you truly have faith in God, then entrust the matter that worries you into God's hands. Believe that God will take care of the issue that is worrying you.

2. Be Confident. This is trusting God at His Word about an issue that worries you. It is a trusting assurance that the Lord will take care of the matter in your life that is worrying you.

3. Be Determined. Since God does not work according to our time schedule. We need to wait on the Lord to resolve the issue that is causing us distress. We need to determine in our hearts by faith. To determine: "deter" -to put off; so determine therefore means to "put off" worry and "press on" in faith trusting that God knows best.

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