Tuesday 26 November 2013

Men, Femininity and Gender Reversal

Times are getting even more difficult for men who just want to be men to live in a society that demeans and demonizes masculinity; and bizarre for those men who want to embrace femininity. More and more we are seeing today's women becoming increasingly assertive in their demeanor, while more men are sadly embracing a more passive feminine role. 

I remember a little while ago watching a video online that explored the issue on male behavior  in relationships with women. The reporter asked a number of women on the street, in parks, and malls what they thought about the behavior of men in today's society. What was interesting, many of them had this to say. "Men are too passive," and "men need to be more assertive in their relationships with women." Some other women said, "I would like it if men would lead more in the relationship." Though this does not tell us anything about whether these men have embraced their femininity. What it does tell us is that men are no longer aggressive in a healthy masculine assertive way as their fathers were before them.  

Male femininity as portrayed here in today's Western culture is embraced as a good thing, instead of a shameful behavior.  Though both men and women possess feminine and masculine characteristics, this in no way gives license for a man to become effeminate in his behavior, nor does it give a woman the right to behave in a more masculine way.  Since God created a man to be a man, his very identity requires him to function in a masculine manner. Why? because to act in a feminine way is a contradiction to his identity as a man. The sexual identity of a man testifies to the fact that he should behave in a manner that compliments who he is as a man. The very core nature of a man is to be masculine, not feminine. Sadly, all too often this is the attitude of such men in today's culture who have embraced their femininity as their identity. One online article confirms this in these words: 

"They are not bogged down by others and are proud of their new found identity. Male femininity has its roots in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia and has been an increasing phenomenon from the dawn of the 20th century. Men today no longer have an inferiority complex in declaring their status and the society too, to a large extent has embraced feminine men. Economic openings for them have also gone a long way in their integration to the society. There is no particular reason for men becoming feminine. It may vary from individual to individual but mostly an interest in the 'female way of life' is the root cause of Male Femininity."[1] 

Personally, I believe there is much more to it than the above quote by the author who says it is men who have an interest in the "female way of life" who have embraced this new feminine identity. I believe the real root to this problem can be traced to the dominate influence of feminism and homosexuality in today's society. These influences are largely responsible for gender confusion that has lead to a certain segment of the male population to accept Male Femininity. Here's a quote I had written about gender confusion on my Facebook page a couple years ago:  

"We are living in a society that seems to glory in the confusion of genders. Our culture is increasingly abandoning the distinction between men and women, by feminizing men and masculating women. This of course, deeply affects relationships between both genders. Men are uncertain to what their role is as a man in the relationship; whereas, women are dissatisfied with their role in leading the relationship they know in their heart belongs to the man."[2]  

How could this have happened? This has happened through feminism and homosexuality being indoctrinated in people's lives through the use of the education system, the media, movies and other avenues such as literature that has given it wide acceptance. Even the law and courts are now reinforcing these negative world views in our Western Culture. Over the past 30 or 40 years of these views being promoted and given first a toehold, then a foothold, and now a stronghold in our society has allowed feminism and homosexuality to flourish and become a dominate force in our culture.  

Though my primary focus is on how feminism has affected and oppressed men, with "Gender Reversal" being one of the repercussions of feminist indoctrination; I only mention here homosexuality because it to is responsible as well in influencing men to embrace their Male Femininity that has lead to Gender Reversal.  

Such "esmasculation" of the male identity in today's society is the sad result of many men accepting as normal the effeminate life style that has been influenced by feminism. And make no wonder, since the masculine nature of man is demonized in our society, many men have embraced a more feminine approached to life. In other words, they have denied their true masculine role as men for a feminine role that is more acceptable in today's society.

Yet what people need to realize is the term "effeminate" is one of the sins in the list the Apostle Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. It is not a compliment for a healthy heterosexual male today to take on the effeminate role. When the Apostle Paul mentioned those who were not going to inherit the kingdom of God, the distinction is made in the KJV between the "effeminate" and "abusers of themselves with mankind," as the "passive" and "active" roles of homosexuals. In the same verse the Darby translation is quite bold when it defines effeminate as "those who make women of themselves." ("effeminate by perversion," Darby lit. Trans.). In a more modern translation, the ESV includes both passive and active partners together in these words, "nor men who practice homosexuality." The footnote for this verse further confirms my point, "The two Greek terms translated by this phrase refer to the passive and active partners in consensual homosexual acts." So men who are considering or have already embraced the "effeminate" life style should really reconsider what they are actually accepting. Do such men really want to associate themselves with the perverted life style of a homosexual? It is indeed sad that our society has come to this. 

I am aware this chapter on “Men, Femininity, and Gender Reversal” may be a point of contention for some of my readers, while others will immediately understand where I am coming from. I do not hold any hostility against any homosexual or transgender person, but with love seek to share the truth with those willing to listen. Unfortunately, many have been brainwashed by schools, the media, movies, T.V., and popular literature to be hyper sensitive to other people’s views that goes against the culture’s narrative. Such hyper sensitive people get easily upset, offended, and closed minded to any views that may differ from theirs. They associate disagreement with them as hate. To such people I make no apologies and would ask that you just simply skip this chapter if the truth is too much for you to handle. 

For more information on the subject, I would also like to recommend to the reader the Special Report on “Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences” by Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer and Dr. Paul R. McHugh in The New Atlantis: A Journal of Technology & Society, Num. 50, Fall 2016. Another helpful work is Frank Turek’s small book, Correct, Not Politically Correct.

[1] http://emasculated.org/content/emasculated-and-oppressed-men
[2] My Facebook page, October 5, 2011. (Slightly revised from the original).

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