Saturday 30 July 2016


"And without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
(Hebrews 9:22, NASB)

A friend had recently challenged me with this question: “Since Jesus is God, why can’t He just forgive us of our sins without the need to die for our sins on the Cross? Since He is God, this shouldn’t be a problem for Him. His dying on the Cross was unnecessary to forgive us of our sins. So why bother?” Great question. First, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (see Heb. 9:22). Second, because sin had brought death to man, another had to die in man’s place, one without sin in order to redeem man back to God. Since sin brought death to man, a Man was required to bring death to sin, so that man may have the opportunity to have life once again (see Rom. 5:12; Eph. 2:1, 5; 1:7). Third, also His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts (see Isa. 55:8). God doesn't need our permission to run the universe, nor does He do things the way we want Him to. He is God, we are not. So can sinners be forgiven apart from Jesus' sacrifice? No! Why? Because "without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" for our sins. (see text).

Dear Lord, how thankful We are that forgiveness is found in Christ. Nothing can wash away our sin, except the blood of Jesus. O how precious is His blood to His redeemed children! There are those who believe your death, burial, and resurrection was unnecessary. However, your children who have been forgiven know better. We know how wonderful it is to drop our burden of sin and guilt at the foot of the Cross and by faith found forgiveness in the Lord Jesus Christ. O bless His Holy Name! Amen.

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